Who's who at EAGT
Goddess-loving people who give their time and energy to help run the Temple
Here you will find Members of the EAGT Committee. Each person is able to stay on the Committee for one year before resigning. They may put themselves forward for
re-election at the AGM. This way it gives other people a chance to be involved in the running of the Temple and brings new and fresh ideas and ways of working.

Joint Founder, Treasurer and Tutor
Christine Watts
Christine is a Priestess of Avalon as well as one of our own Priestesses of Andraste, a Hedgewitch and a Tarot Reader.
Christine runs the Priestess of Andraste Training course for EAGT and keeps us posted with her Mama Witch Blogs.
Christine is also our Treasurer and inspiration of the EAGT to all who join. You will be most welcomed by Christine (aka Mama) should you wish to join EAGT at any time!

Chair of the Committee
Emmett Holden-Carter
Our newly appointed Chair, Emmett, completed his second spiral at the East Anglia Goddess Temple and is taking a break from studying at present.
He has, however, agreed to be our Chair of the Committee for the coming year.
Emmett lives in Waltham Abbey.

Vice Chair